Monday, 27 September 2010

any statistics on false-positive results surrounded by urinedrug screen?

It all depends on what munificent of urine drug screen you're chitchat about.
There's the fast screening tests. About 15% or more of urines will pop on that, and the majority of those will be false positives.
Then, at hand is the GCMS thing: gas chromatography beside mass spectroscopy. That's one where the false positive rate is estimated as person something less than one within a billion.
You have to realize that for the regulated drug screen, 10% of the positives have to be blindly re-run and enjoy to be within selection of the originals; and the companies contracting for drug eyeshade services have to distribute in doped urines, some of which are one quill UNDER the positive line, and others, one fuzz OVER the positive, to make late sure the labs are on target.
ALSO realize: one confirmed false positive on a DOT regulated urine drug screen forces the lab out of the DOT regulated drug blind business until they can retool and convince the regulators that they can get it right.
Thus, for the surviving labs, the answer is:
0 Nada Zilch None
They wouldn't hold survived a documented false positive.
I don't think so
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