Thursday, 23 September 2010

adenocarsinoma contained by situ?

Do you have an adenocarcinoma ? Where is it located ?
In situ carcinomas enjoy a good fortune for healing.
afeoritat en el lacartkang.
carcinoma derived from glandular tissue not on the other hand invading other areas of the body.
I found this at the website:
It is contained by response to a person asking more or less her diagnosis. Ihope it helps you.
The residence "-in-situ", whether carcinoma-in-situ or adenocarcinoma-in-situ, refers to a premalignant lesion, not an invasive cancer. Your report was not that of a cancer. If it reflect the true condition of your cervix, you did not have cancer. If it is not cancer it cannot spread nor does it want to be treated by any overly aggressive means. The cone be all that needed to be done. If the cone margins be involved, then the proper control for someone who wished to preserve fertility would be to follow near paps and endocervical biopsies. The alternative would be another cone which may destroy the cervix or a hysterectomy, both of which would be detrimental to preservation of fertility.
Malignancy of epithelial kernel that
a) resembles "glandular" formations under microscopial examination(adenocarcinoma)
b) does not invade the serious membrane of the epithelium (in situ) and is therefore completely separated from the rest of the body
In tons cases, in situ can be effectively cured and is practically considered "Stage 0" cancer.
The carcinoma have not yet metastasized to surrounding tissue-Stage 0.

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