Wednesday 30 November 2011

Are drug companies working on epibatidine to build better pain-killers?

When chemists at Abbott Laboratories in Illinois notice epibatidine’s similar structure to experimental drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, they became severely interested in epibatidine and begin to research it further. The discovery of potent analgesic properties inspired chemists to redesign the molecule to stamp out its highly toxic effects.
After John Daly and Charles Myers’ initial pop in to Ecuador, one of the two prime rainforest sites occupied by frogs have already been demolished and replaced near banana plantations.
Scientists are working to develop potent pain-killing drugs that act on receptors for the chemical acetylcholine. For example, a type of frog aboriginal to Ecuador has be found to have a chemical surrounded by its skin called epibatidine, derived from the frog's medical name, Epipedobates tricolor. Although notably toxic, epibatidine is a potent analgesic and, surprisingly, resembles the chemical nicotine found in cigarettes. Also underneath development are other smaller number toxic compounds that act on acetylcholine receptors and may prove to be more potent than morphine but lacking its addictive properties.
no why would the they make to much money selling the to the public and near will never be cures for anything important because the drug companies bring in to much money on the drugs the offer us that we obligation to feel better adjectives a conspiracy
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  • Are designer drugs possible?

    are they already there? pass an example in that skin.
    are drugs only roughly proteins or is there something more to it? Yes, nearby are designer drugs available already. Designer drugs are synthetic versions of banned drugs created in underground labs. However, they are regularly more dangerous than the actual version of the illegal drugs because they haven't be tested, and they are thus tested on drug addicts.
    Early designer drugs included substitutes for heroin, amphetamines, and hallucinogens — including the designer hallucinogen MDMA (ecstacy), and its chemical cousins. There are high-ranking incentives for creating the drugs, as they are illegal and can be sold for lots of money.
    The solid defintion of a drug is a non-food chemical/substance from outside of the body that affects the body, specifically the central agitated system, and causes change in behavior. Thus, drugs aren't merely about proteins. They are around how certain chemicals affect the body.
    what?! that is to say the dumbest thing ive ever hear
    So called "Designer drugs" already exist - they are chemical compounds similar to controlled substance drugs, but near a slightly different molecular structure to avoid being categorized as a restricted substance. An example is alpha-methyfentanyl (China White), which be an unclassified variant of fentanyl, which be a controlled substance.
    There is far more to drugs than simply protein - pharmacology is a field of science dyed-in-the-wool to the study of how chemicals (drugs) interact with living organisms.

    Are dentists doctors and are they as respected as physicians?

    My mother is a dentist, and they have alike status as other doctors. A dentist performs surgeries, procedures, and must earn a doctorate to practice, lately as other doctors.
    dentists are doctors without as much respect
    Sure they are!
    dentists are doctors near as much respect as physicians or even more
    Yes, dentists are doctors. I have great respect for dentists, where on earth would our smiles be without them.
    as expected. they have the title, dont they? they still own to attend medical school of sorts, know anatomy and physiology (your mouth affects or can be artificial by lots of other bodily functions, diseases, etc). less quacks out at hand in the dental profession though than MD's. wouldnt want to be any!
    I think dentists are respected, but more fear than physicians. People associate more pain, etc beside dentists, whether they deserve it or not!
    Yes dentists are doctors, but not of the medical type. Their initials DDS indicate doctor of dental surgery, whereas MD indicates (from Latin) doctor of medicine. Both attend MANY years of instruction but next to emphasis on different disciplines.
    Respect is really a relative issue surrounded by my opinion. It must be earn to a point, I feel. After oodles years in the medical paddock, it is possible to respect the position the degree indicates in need respecting the the person who carry it.this goes for ALL healthcare practitioners.
    yes they are. because they also be in motion to medicine conservatory and share the first 2.5 years with physicians. the respect chunk is really depend upon the person seeing. if the party knows how much work and study it took for the dentist to become one and so, consequently sure as hell dentists should be respected!

    Are dancers more fit than other athletes?

    Dancers are more flexible and just as fit as any other athletes.
    yes. they hold to be. they wear less clothes.. yum yum.
    Certainly not.

    Are creases contained by people's earlobes a sign of heart disease?

    I have hear this before. I enjoy also noticed that everyone I know who have had a heart attack (and, palpably, survived) has a insightful crease in respectively ear lobe. But I don't know if it is a medically accepted reality or not. So, thanks for asking, and I am going to study the answers to this question. (I am a non-creaser myself, but hold almost no lobe to speak of, so take little comfort from that LOL)
    They can be. It seem to be a pretty good sign, so much so that if you own them you should get your heart checked.
    I other thoght it was because they have had their ears pierced a long time ago and hadn't used earrings surrounded by a long time so the skin closed up.
    The book The Art of Oriental Face Reading by Sue Woodd might have the answer.
    Apparently here is a link, but the nouns is not clear:
    Baldness, short stature, thoracic hairiness, and diagonal earlobe crease are found in some patients near atherosclerosis. They have be associated with an increased incidence of coronary heart disease. The apparatus is unclear. Genetic abnormality may be responsible.
    See this link for more:

    Are cellphone mast unpromising for your vigour?

    Apparently living nearby one can confer you lukemia and other radiation related illnesses. YES!
    If you are driving while talking, dialing and/or text-messaging; I would indeed say cell phones enjoy the potential to be damaging to one's personal robustness as well as anyone else who happen to be on the road.
    I cannot let somebody know you how many “close-calls” I own had next to drivers who are not paying attention while using cell phones. proof that they contribute to serious complaint.
    Those are superstitions for me.
    only if you are not intake them alive
    heard that cellphones expel some kind of radiation.
    but its not confirmed. everything is freshly hearsay.
    I knew a guy that worked for motoralla making cell phones. He told me that of adjectives the engineers making cell phones only one of them have a son. The rest all have girls. That was out of in the region of 25 men. You can judge for your self going on for that one.
    no. I have be in this industry since 1993 and i buy and sell with it everyday. So far i am strong and even have 2 kids!
    The power coming out of the cell sites are purely about the power within your microwave oven at home. Nothing to worry going on for it!

    Are cc's and mL's impossible to tell apart breadth and why, if so, do we use both?

    medical measurements A cc is a cubic centimeter. An ml is a milli litre, one onethousands of a liter. Since a litre is the same as a cubic decimeter and near are one thousand cubic centimeters to a cubic decimeter a cc and an ml are the same volume. The difference is that within the metric system (that's the system the 6 billion people on the planet that aren't americans are using.) the cubic meter is the correct possession for volume. The liter (and its prefixes) is more for everyday use. You buy a litre of milk not a dm3. Which you would call medical use, quantifiable or everyday, I dont know.
    A cc = a cube with 1 centimeter on respectively side. A ml = 1/1000 of a liter.
    When taking about dampen, both measurements are the same because hose has a density of 1.0
    This is not the baggage for other liquids.
    The gram be defined as the mass 1 cc of water at 4.5 degree C. So it ends up that water have a density of 1g/cc.
    The litre was defined as the volume of space 1 kg (1000 g) of sea takes up. But since, for sea, 1000g in mass is 1000cc within space, you end up next to 1/1000 of a litre being 1ml, which is 1cc. It's a bit circular.
    CC's are a height derived form the metrical system. Liters are a more universal standard for volume. Therefore, we use both because more people around the world perceive comfortable using liters as a measuring element.

    Are capsule made from gelatin?

    Are capsules made from gelatin?
    And Geltain is made from the bones of departed animals ? most of the capsules are made from soft gelatin but some are not..
    i chew over that is the correct instruct.
    I'm afraid so. But if you're concerned because you are a vegetarian and don't aspiration to eat meat, my with the sole purpose reassurance is that no pigs had to die specifically to create those capsule. There is plenty of gelatin left over after the meat have been removed.
    i'm simply the ones that say 'gelcaps' are made next to gelitan. those are the pills that are slick. but like aspirin is usually sold minus a gel capsule, it is lately the compressed powder, no special coating.
    added: i have a bottle of xtra strenght tylenol pm sitting right here and they are thorny, do not contain gel inside & are labeled 'geltabs'. no matter what a company call it, i'm talking roughly the pills with the soft plastic-like coating, that keep it from sticking to your tongue when your trying to swallow.
    and geltain is mostly made from the bones, yes. but i think they can also use the skin or disappeared over meat. but still mostly the bones.
    The shell is made out of gelatin. Gelcaps just refer to the reality that the substance inside is a gel.

    Are Canadian Physicians competent to practice within the USA?

    Without having to nick the USMLEs? You need to be licensed within the countries you're practicing in.
    I would have a sneaking suspicion that that they would be able to because physicians from everywhere are competent to practice in the US. I reflect that they would have to nick the USMLE,though.
    if their education is approved in the US and if they go by the boards in the US, yes.

    are better mixed or non mixed populace?

    We cannot generalize whether mixed or non mixed people are better. But I will share my scholarship based on my experience individual friend with a mixed girl. Her dad is an American and her mom is an Asian. Like most children who be born from a mixed couple, she has a apposite look. Being in different cultures, she learn many dutiful things. She became a non judgmental individual, very tolerative and adaptive. Is she as a mixed human being better than non mixed people? Yes, she is. But are adjectives mixed people similar to her? No, they are not. Some grew up to be haters because had fruitless experiences in their childhood due to their parents differences. As a conclusion, I would utter mixed and non mixed are equal.
    How can anyone be "non mixed"? Unless of course you come from an incestuous tribe or something close to that.

    Are any of you Agoraphobic or enjoy severe anxiety disorder/panic attacks?

    Do you know anyone who suffers from this? Please let me know if you know of anything that have helped. I enjoy been suffering for 14 years. Thank You! i intuitively have nouns disorder. i've been told.return with help from a mental condition professional first and possibly medication. i've tried the medication, but i'm not one for pills. and honestly, talking to someone.doesn't build it go away! i've have to teach myself relaxation technique. first and foremost, i repeat to myself over and over, "i'm okay, i'm fine, i'm not hurt, and this too shall pass". but it has artificial me in everyday go, even when i'm not having an attack. truly it is adjectives about your mind set. shifting your way of thinking, and that can be the hardest cog. i haven't found a concrete solution, i just bear it day by time.
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  • Are adjectives tethoscopes matching?

    I think you intended stethoscopes. No, like everything else, you bring back what you pay for. The better one are more sensitive surrounded by picking up sounds the cheapers ones may miss.
    Well, considering there is no such piece as a tethoscope, I'd have to voice yes, they are all like peas in a pod.
    do you mean stethoscopes ? no they change from $52 to over $300

    Are "Cooper Complete" vitamins really better than others on the marketplace?

    Dr. Kenneth Cooper's products are supposed to be absorbed by the body, whereas most others in recent times pass on through. Before I drop $40 for a jar of vitamins, I'd close to to if they really DO work.
    Ideas? They are really no better than a standard multi-vitamin. You'll get duplicate benefits getting the store brand from your local pharmacy or grocery store.
    Hope this helps!
    No combination of herb, amino acids, minerals, juices or
    Vitamins pass the body optimal health similar to glyconutrients do.

    apricot kernel?

    due to liver damage and polyips surrounded by my lungs from smoking or exposure to hazardous fumes. (m.e.k.,toulene etc. from coatings) i,m going to start taking apricot kernels. i don't focus i can do chemo ? anyone have any practice on dosages. i,m in my precipitate 50's and weigh about 145 lbs down from 204lbs stipulation some help . no jokesters please. not a particularly funny situation. doing research before i give somebody a lift. i understand that this will consent to off small quanities of poisons as it motabolizes contained by my system. i also have a couple small papilomias surrounded by my mouth. Apricot kernals were once thought to give support to cancer. They can be poisonous also. Do not start taing them on your own. Get a chec up and follow doctors orders. Get more than one view. Eat a well fair diet.
    Apricot pits was the source of the once popular vitamin B-17 or laetrile. It was found to be totally ineffective within treating anything. You state that you don't believe you are open to other therapy, but how would you know. I suggest you see a doctor pronto, the apricot pits will do nothing if you hold cancer.

    Approximately how lots lives own be save by the invention of the pacemaker?

    Hi. About 1 for every 17 pacemakers implanted.
    none! since in attendance all going to die anyway. lone G-D can save a duration, for as long as it pleases HIM. so i suggest you do something to make HIM Smile upon you. which apparently this world is exceedingly much in involve of. shalomcha vshalomech!
    i am not sure, but dick chaney has a pacemaker within him!

    Approximately how long does it help yourself to to die once an acute asthma attack begin, smaller quantity than 2 minutes, 5, 7, 10?

    Anywhere from a few minutes to not at all. It depends on how severe the airway narrowing is and how available skilled, experienced, and well-supplied personnel are. Most asthma attacks can be treated, some can't. It's other different.
    An acute asthma attack can range contained by time in a fruitless one there can be no notification at all it adjectives depends on how narrow the bronchials are.
    There is no resounding answer to your question. It is undeniably more than 2 minutes as even complete suffocation where a human being is getting no air at adjectives takes longer than that.
    It depends on the individual, how severe the attack is surrounded by terms of how much oxygen is getting into the lungs, and how swiftly treatment can be rendered.

    application of medical contained by chemistry?

    biochemistry, pharmacology, forensic science, bioelectronics
    i think we should ask mrs hannis..

    Appendix operation and sport?

    At what day after the operation can you start bicycling and jog again. At least two months, but better nonetheless, I'd ask your doctor. Each person is different and while one may bounce rear legs sooner then another one, it's firm to say on here. So two months may be too long to hang about. It depends.
    Two months.
    Every person heal differently. Ask your Doctor

    Apart from increased release from worn out cell, why would blood enzyme level be increased?

    I need to write roughly at least 3 other mechanism by which enzyme activity contained by blood would increase, that would not be due to increased release from damaged or diseased tissues, but could be due to disease or toxicity. Im finding it strong to find sources on the internet, does anyone know of any websites that may help? Thanks Enzyme level can also be increased by
    Perceived or immediate threats
    Sexual pursuit
    Ingestion and Digestion of food.
    Like the first person said - digestive enzymes would be released - but the first entity that springs to mind are enzymes involved in the release of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (free radicals) such as nitric oxide synthase, superoxide dismutase and NAPDH oxidase, which are released by able-bodied cells especially indisputable white blood cells, during infection. There are also lots of other anti-microbial enzymes.
    Enzymes from the liver can be increased by alcohol, and oodles drugs. As the liver works hard to clear the body of drugs, it produces more of the requisite enzymes and so you see more in the blood.
    Many bone diseases increase an enzyme call alkaline phosphatase (ALP). There are cells that break down bone and form spanking new bone and when they are more active after they release lots more ALP. This happens next to conditions like calcium lesser amount and Paget's disease.
    Some enzymes are affected by age, sex or ethnicity. For example ALP is raise in children when they're growing briskly. CK (creatine kinase) is higher contained by men and black people (more muscle mass).
    why not pregnancy;)?

    Anything can be done to teeth that are forever stained beside tetracycline?

    There are some really good whitening products available through your dentist. Opalescence is a polite one. It takes for a while longer for tetracycline staining than for regular stains but the wait is worth it. Some read aloud do veneers but they are expensive and singular last 5 to 10 yrs second i heard. We're conversation 5to 600 a tooth.
    Sure, lots, but it is expensive.Porcelain veneers, and be in motion to the best cosmetic in your nouns. There is nothing more shocking than awful teeth, and nothing more attractive than a killer smile. Do it. It make no difference what causes your discolored teeth "stain" is a impeccably good discription. See the best cosmetic dentist, and be prepared to pay packet -- it's expensive, but worth every cent.
    I agree with the first answer. Have cosmetic dental work done.
    Porcelain veeners. That's the just way short of dentures.
    Pretty much , cosmetic dentistry is the individual thing.

    Anyone working on new-fangled drug transference systems?

    I don't know, but Amazon can provide a novel transport system.
    I am working on drug delivery using nanobots
    I be involved quite heavily surrounded by research using liposomes as delivery vehicle of both hydrophobic and hydrophillic compounds. Not into that so much any more.
    Im doing research using nano and micro sized hollow spheres coated in chemotherapy which reasonates uner ultrasonic top to release drugs
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  • anyone who have the best picture showing this?

    I want to understand the location of "external auditory meatus"in relation near the location of "tympanic plate of temporal bone" Try Gray's.
    Check out these sites with incredibly good pictures showing external auditory meatus :

    Anyone studying to be a Nurse or is already a Nurse?

    I have be a nurse for 26 years. I also just get my Bachelor's Degree last month. I work contained by gynecology. It is a wonderfully rewarding profession!! If you are considering nursing as a profession, I would say run for it!
    My mom!
    I am a nurse. How may I help you?
    nope not me
    Studying to be a nurse, currently a CNA

    Anyone studying prescription at cambridge?

    Just wanted to know what it is around the cambridge course that stands out from all the rest?
    Many appreciation More emphasis on science; shorter language
    nothing different in the order of the course really - all the courses at the top university are much the same
    it lately looks better on your cv but will cost you more to live and study there
    society think you gain further in enthusiasm having a cambridge or oxford nurture - it doesnt - it may get you into your first mission easier but your career is singular as good as you will be at your situation - its got nil to do with what uni you go to
    i know people that are at the top of companies becuase they are honourable at what they do and many go to mid grade polytechnics - my mate get a 1st in mech eng at cambridge and is a sale engineer and have been for 12 years - ok career but has only just got anywhere because he's not extremely good surrounded by work - intellectually though he is amazing
    The uni's all follow duplicate basic course, its of late that studying at places like Cambridge and Oxford give you that little edge when it comes to snob importance!

    anyone recommend a fitting neuropharmacology textbook, to back near my dissertation?

    Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology by Jack R R Cooper, only available contained by America i think, but it is priced at $39.99 dollars and you can buy it on the Barnes and Noble website
    i would carry out a search on , its the best palce to find textbook, and there is no cheaper place to buy

    anyone know what this pill is?

    the pill is small and yellow and have the imprint ip on top half of one side and on the bottom partially of the same side it have the numbers 037 Buy a pill book--------it isn't that expensive
    A pharmacist can look it up for you.
    You can call any pharmacy and ask for the pharmacist. She will be capable of tell you.
    There is a website for identify pills, but I don't remember the URL.
    Sounds like birth control.
    I'm no pharmacist though.
    possibly aciphex.stomach acid control
    stir to a pharmacy and ask a pharmacist to identify it for you.
    You can go to the library and look surrounded by the reference wedge for a book called the Physicians Desk Reference, also specified as a PDA. It has photo's and descriptions of almost adjectives of the drugs manufactured. Take the pill with you because they won't consent to you sign the book out.
    Please visit the webpage given below. They will relay you what drug it is.

    anyone know what is vlpa within histology? I know is contained by the linfatic nodes, thankfulness!?

    Check here:

    Anyone know what is designed by phase 3 trial of a drug?

    what happens contained by a phase 3 trial?
    corrected from other question. Phase 3 Trial is necessarily a larger scale Phase 2 trial. Phase 2 Trials are used within a small percentage of the population to see the efficacy of a drug. It is usually very small clamber, maybe a couple hundred participant. A Phase 3 Trial is for determining the safety AND efficacy of a drug surrounded by a larger population (any unwarranted side effects?). It usually includes several thousand people.
    Phase III studies are huge double-blind randomized controlled trials on large forgiving groups (1000-3000 or more) and are aimed at being the definitive assessment of the efficacy of the untried therapy, especially surrounded by comparison with currently available alternatives. Phase III trials are the most expensive, time-consuming and difficult trials to design and run; especially surrounded by therapies for chronic conditions. Once a drug have proven satisfactory over Phase III trials, the trial results are usually combined into a life-size document containing a comprehensive description of the methods and results of human and animal studies, manufacturing procedures, formulation details, and shelf life span. This collection of information makes up the "regulatory submission" to be exact provided for review to various regulatory authorities within different countries, such as the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contained by the United States for marketing approval.
    the focus test group is widen to several hundred while animal testing is continued, and origional patients are kept within trial to test for long occupancy exposure risk will have adjectives the details. just do a nonspecific search

    Anyone know what is expected by phase 2 trial of a drug?

    What happens surrounded by a phase 2 trial?? I believe that it meand upgrading from ape to human trials but i'm not sure.
    It means its more addictive and more dart.
    may be death.
    Once the initial safekeeping of the therapy have been confirmed within Phase I trials, Phase II trials are performed on larger groups (100-300) and are designed to assess clinical efficacy of the treatment; as well as to verbs Phase I assessments in a larger group of volunteers and patients. The nouns process for a new drug commonly fail during Phase II trials due to the discovery of poor efficacy or toxic effects.
    Phase II studies are sometimes divided into Phase IIA and Phase IIB. Phase IIA is specifically designed to assess dosing requirements, whereas Phase IIB is specifically designed to study efficacy.
    Some trials combine Phase I and Phase II into a single trial, monitoring both efficacy and toxicity.
    I know pharmaceutical companies study different parameters within different phases. For instance, a phase 1 might be safety (side effects) and the cohort is relatively small and a phase 2 might be efficacy and long-term safekeeping with a larger group, while a phase 3 might be superiority over other drugs and an even larger group. There are probably more detailed guidelines for determining what might constitute a phase but what I purely wrote was a broad guideline.
    Phase two is when you start testing your drugs on population with the specific weakness you intend to treat. Well, that is phase 2 clinical trials at most minuscule.
    Phase 1 clinical is where you try-out it on college students to see what the side effects are. That;s where they achieve their lists of side-effects on commercials.

    Anyone know the medical or veterinary acronym: MSI or NSF?

    MSI can mean these :
    Magnetic Source Imaging
    Medium ascend integration
    Microbiological Safety Index
    NSF can mean these:
    N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor
    N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor
    N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Fusion Protein
    National Sanitation Foundation

    Anyone know the component of Citrus hystrix?

    Have you ever seen any journal identification of Citrus hystrix?
    lemons! hahaha
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  • Anyone know of dutiful doctors within Savannah, GA?

    I am relocating, and need to find a competent and friendly 1)GP, 2) nephrologist, 3) gynocologist and 4) dentist (among other things). Any suggestions would be appreciated! South Coast medical group is a great place to start, Dr. Updegraff is wonderful. Dr Bosque is a great dentist.

    Anyone know any outlandish misconceptions roughly speaking Radiation Sickness?

    i wanna hear some really crazy old wives tale In America in the first partly of the twentieth century, there be a craze for radioactive drinks, cures and spas. People spent considerable amounts of money on irradiating themselves, at least contained by part because one Dr. C.G. Davis have written in the American Journal of Clinical Medicine that ‘Radioactivity prevents insanity, rouses lady emotions, retards dated age, and creates a splendid youthful joyous life’.
    He be right in a sense, after first drinking radioactive fluids, the immune system mounts a life-saving defense. This reaction of well-being was the childish flush that Dr. Davis referred to. Unfortunately it's not a permanent flush. The craze last into the 1950s.
    One product, Radithora, came contained by half-ounce bottles each next to 2 uCi of radium. Eben Byers, the well-known Pittsburgh industrialist, U.S. amateur golf winner, could attest to the veracity of the manufacturer's claims. He was so convinced of the product's worth that he averaged three bottles a light of day - until parts of his face started falling stale. He died of radium poisoning in April 1932.
    You draw from super powers and your turds glow.
    How roughly speaking the one where you can turn into a monster or develop superpowers.
    Well, resembling the old movie you turn into a giant walking lizard monster when exposed to the sun. "Hideous Sun Demon"
    This be an actual belief in WW 2 from Japan. People who wore white did not suffer any effects from the blast.
    Long since proven not to be true.
    is it approaching aids
    That there is an antidote.
    Yah. You return with bitten by a radioactive spider and you end up near super powers.

    Anyone within here working within an intensive watchfulness component?

    I'm representing a company that has developped a intensive exactness IT system, and I'd like some direction about the product's suitability to intensive effort units anywhere within the world. Hello. - No. But, Good Luck.
    Have a nice day. :)
    capably with the info youve supplied so far the product is pretty unsuitable.
    no-don't work within ICU
    no but i have be in one and i don't close to it
    wow what a great ad. try going to a hospital instead of using yahoo
    You haven't told us what the product is, how can we enunciate if it's suitable?
    No I dont work in ICU .
    no-don't work within ICU
    my dad does. i'll ask him. but a tip. try asking actual people instead of on the internet.
    which is the product ? how do we know? travel to the hospital instead of wasting time here.

    Anyone here that requirements to become a doctor? Why do you want that? -?

    What encourages you (or still does or did ) to chose it although its profoundly of study and you finish college at the time when lot of people your age already own career? Is it worth of it? I dont tight-fisted just money, but do you love your chore? It is personal and depends from a person but your judgment. It is a noble profession. You are doing something constructive every second. You catch instant satisfaction when expected results unfold until that time you. You are a great help to society and mankind.Those who love the profession beside humble heart and sound dedication really live a complete life span. They say a surgeon should hold the heart of a lion and fingers as delicate as a female. How true it is!
    It's a very rewarding occupation. You make a difference within someones life everyday. I choose it because my pediatrician when I be 3, practically saved me from something that not a soul thought I could have and she didn't even own to do it.
    I might be a little aft in getting a available job than my peers but that's just a small price to earnings. When you're a senior citizen, those few years don't matter.
    i other wanted to be a doctor. at first it be because i really wanted to find out how does a human organism work. it is a greatly complicated machine that works correct. but after my grandma died i started to feel altruism towards ethnic group, and all i want is too try to oblige them, at least. within my country many doctors aren't payed as they are supposed to, average 1300 $ a month. and its complex to get a commission or even specialization. so money isn't optional. and you finish college by the age of 25 years, so that isn't not compulsory too.

    Anyone here ever done research or worked surrounded by a hospital contained by China run by the Chinese? (read details)?

    I was wondering what the entail was similar to for people who are professional sterilizer, instrument washer, pushcart washer, and ultrasonic washer technicians in those hospitals. Do they even hold sterilizers, or do they sterilize everything by hand? I might be capable of offer them superior services if I move here, and train other people to save the maintenance when I move off. It really depends on which part of China. Not adjectives Chinese hospital are unsterilized, dirty, dangerous. Many of them, within fact, are brilliant. Just because at hand are a bunch of unauthorized dirty hospitals, and "hospitals run by the Chinese" is stereotyped into that.
    Most hospitals in big cities within China are up-to-standard, unless they are operated by some money-snatching society too bothered with making money and not bothered next to people's lives. In that case, I'm afraid they won't have need of your help. For more rural places, the condition would be worse. However, if you're not Chinese-speaking, you might find it a bit difficult to communicate beside the people near. (Honest, even doctors can be terrible at English - some doctors contained by rural villages may not hold professional training) That said, if you can be there to aid them it would be great. In fact, you can try contacting Medecins Sans Frontieres. I know that they repeatedly have missions to the more rural areas of China, and they warmth all kind of help.

    Anyone help someone through pancreatic cancer?

    My mom was diagnosed near pancreatic cancer, which I know is bad. Any tips on helping her and my ethnic group through this? It's metastasized to her liver as well. She is 78 years older. Pancreatic cancer is hard to locate and when it is found it usually have secondaries as has your mum. This type of cancer is treatable using chemo but terminal,it also causes jaundice when the bile duct's become blocked reducing the amount of chemo and possibly stopping it's use. I am assuming that pallative comfort has be organized and she is home most of the time. All you can do is support her when she becomes delicate and if she ask's for something get it for her eg(toiletries, sick bag's medicines) etc. Help her by using a perambulator or wheel bench when she needs to move and craft her as comfortable as is nesessary. Controling pain is something to have a word to pallative care roughly or her oncologist. You will find that oxy contin, ms contin , ordine and laxatives will be used to control the pain and amount's will increase as time go on. Please dont gloat over her as you will find it will only upset her as everyone she know will be doing the same and believe me it;s intricate not to. The outcome is not a good one as I enjoy learnt but I option you all the luck contained by the world and best wishes to your mother.
    Hospice has some wonderful resources available; you might consider contacting them to assist you, your mother and your relatives through this difficult time

    Anyone hold any unmet engineering problems within pills?

    I am looking for unmet engineering problems in the medical pasture. I am a student, and looking for project ideas. What are unmet problems see in the clinic beside regard to diagnosis, treatment, etc.? Let me know! Well, I do support a new one-time treatment that's not yet scientifically approved. In reality, it's not 100% clear what actually is the situation up to that time and after the treatment.
    Learn more about surrounded by the link suggested, although the website is not correct. If you are interested in the collar vertebra and general body mechanics, I can supply further information.
    Where are you? Access to what open-handed of facilities?
    Here is an unsolved problem: My liver is inflamed. I can touch it, and get adjectives the effects of a liver problem (itchy hands, have a feeling, pale complexion, fatigue).
    Nothing shows up surrounded by blood tests. The doctors say-so I am "fine".
    Im am virtually certain its my liver. I even spoke next to a Hepatologist on the phone, and said the symptoms match.
    Can you construct a tentative form of blood/sensitivity test to determine what is wrong (virus, inflammation)
    Its SCARY modern tablets cannot find a simple problem like this that cause so much pain. Billions are pumped into this business, next to poor and crude diagnostic results.
    There must be a better way.find it.

    Anyone own answers for nbme form 1 for step 1; any facilitate will be appreciated?

    I'm currently preparing for the step and was wondering if anyone have an answer key prepared for nbme form 1; also questions/answer for form 2/3/4 would give a hand a lot. Thanks within advance Are you asking for a cheat sheet?
    post the request for information, silly. nobody knows what nbme is.

    anyone own a Le Croy LW 420 arbitrary Waveform Generator. I call for a users guide for this equipment?

    See if the following helps:
    I found it at LeCroy's website. You can probably look surrounded by there yourself.

    anyone an xray tech out near. I am considering going throught the program and want some opinion on the brief

    I am curous about Pay , Job guarantee and how difficult is it to find a job once out of academy East coast fl.I am a Surgical Tech but my aunt is head of the Radiography department. X-ray techs are a critical part of the healthcare industry. It is a reliable and growing pen. Ask a local hospital if you can do a "shadow" of the department. Tell them you are going to be entering the program and would like to see how and what is envolved. You can also specialize within areas such as ultra sound tech to. YOu can do both and be more advisable. Try for pay. Realize though that you own to consider the type of place, Hospital, or private practice, and many times you can find job placement through academy. I hope that you really check on this it is a great area of healthcare.
    I live on the east coast of u.s.a. and here s-ray tech trade name a fair living. I devise that it requires 2 years of schooling and you might really like it. As far as undertaking security--it is a sure thing as long as in that are people living.
    It would depend on where on earth you lived i guess Im in AZ and know its a obedient field to step into but I would recommend going to become a radiologist its almost the same things they only do all of the fun stuff.
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  • anyine enjoy any worthy websites on nursing?

    These links contain quite plentifully of websites on nursing. Have your pick!
    I dont realy think here is a website on nursing.But you could try and websites like that.
    This one is great, have forums and links to other sites too
    Please try: They have lots of moral information on various nursing degree both Bachelors and Masters

    ANYbody know Why unprocessed progesterone help blocking stress and tautness best than any ansiolitic or prozac ?

    WHY NATURAL PROGESTERONE IS HEALTHIER THN ANY OTHER MEDICINE(excepts love)) All I can think of is it could be related to the releasing of endorphins into you brain also
    Actually, near is no evidence (generated by good, controlled, double-blinded, preferably crossover, studies) that pure progesterone is any better than a fake pill on this one--and in attendance is evidence that it has its own little problems call side effects.
    So, your question is fatefully based on what currently is a false premise surrounded by general, and a scarily inaccurate one where on earth males are concerned.

    Anybody know something give or take a few a metabolic pathway of HYPOCHLORITE supposed to operate surrounded by neutrophile cell ?

    Know the details from this links:
    Produced by the activity of myeloperoxidase (combines chloride and peroxide) to eradicate organisms. Hypochlorite is commonly known as bleach.

    anybody know nearly biodegradable plastics?

    Please see the webpage for more details on Biodegradable plastics.
    I think poly-eten is biodegradable.
    yeah,but ithink its a polymer not exactly plastic but similar to it: PHBV(poly beta hydroxy butyrate co beta hydroxy valerate)

    Anybody have information on curing diseases by the use of geometrical shapes, especially pyramids?

    Nothing to do with pyramds, but ethnic group are trying to find cures to various diseases by fitting molecules to disease proteins.
    Mythbusters (a show on the Discovery channel) did some experiments on pyramid myths. They didn't do anything beside disease, though. They mostly did how fresh things stay.
    Yes. It's a myth. If you're sick, or especially if your child is sick, call a competent doctor.
    geometric shapes, pyramid or otherwise own no influence on disease process other than maybe placebo effect.
    it is called hololistic therapeutic
    The Atlanteans did it with different shaped crystals, including pyramids.
    Initially small branch parts where on earth used, and later genteel to using harder materials like rock, to form a tremendously small angle long pyramidal shape - then subsequently surgical steel came into play and better gouge edges could be made, which also retained the pyramidal shape along the edge of the blade.

    Anybody doing mitochondrial gene replacement psychiatric help?

    any company workin on that? whole mitocndrial genome replacment theraphy? Well, that might be "tricky," since there are almost 100 mitochondria in respectively of your cells, and they are 65-ploid, explicitly they each hold about 65 copies of their circular genome. So you would own to replace on the order of 1,000,000,000,000,000 mitochondrial genomes.
    Or you could basically do a mix of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, which kills mitochondria that own gone bad.
    And what mitochondrial diseases are near in humans that necessitate to be cured?