Wednesday, 30 November 2011

apricot kernel?

due to liver damage and polyips surrounded by my lungs from smoking or exposure to hazardous fumes. (m.e.k.,toulene etc. from coatings) i,m going to start taking apricot kernels. i don't focus i can do chemo ? anyone have any practice on dosages. i,m in my precipitate 50's and weigh about 145 lbs down from 204lbs stipulation some help . no jokesters please. not a particularly funny situation. doing research before i give somebody a lift. i understand that this will consent to off small quanities of poisons as it motabolizes contained by my system. i also have a couple small papilomias surrounded by my mouth. Apricot kernals were once thought to give support to cancer. They can be poisonous also. Do not start taing them on your own. Get a chec up and follow doctors orders. Get more than one view. Eat a well fair diet.
Apricot pits was the source of the once popular vitamin B-17 or laetrile. It was found to be totally ineffective within treating anything. You state that you don't believe you are open to other therapy, but how would you know. I suggest you see a doctor pronto, the apricot pits will do nothing if you hold cancer.

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