Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Anything can be done to teeth that are forever stained beside tetracycline?

There are some really good whitening products available through your dentist. Opalescence is a polite one. It takes for a while longer for tetracycline staining than for regular stains but the wait is worth it. Some read aloud do veneers but they are expensive and singular last 5 to 10 yrs second i heard. We're conversation 5to 600 a tooth.
Sure, lots, but it is expensive.Porcelain veneers, and be in motion to the best cosmetic in your nouns. There is nothing more shocking than awful teeth, and nothing more attractive than a killer smile. Do it. It make no difference what causes your discolored teeth "stain" is a impeccably good discription. See the best cosmetic dentist, and be prepared to pay packet -- it's expensive, but worth every cent.
I agree with the first answer. Have cosmetic dental work done.
Porcelain veeners. That's the just way short of dentures.
Pretty much , cosmetic dentistry is the individual thing.

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