Wednesday 30 November 2011

Anyone help someone through pancreatic cancer?

My mom was diagnosed near pancreatic cancer, which I know is bad. Any tips on helping her and my ethnic group through this? It's metastasized to her liver as well. She is 78 years older. Pancreatic cancer is hard to locate and when it is found it usually have secondaries as has your mum. This type of cancer is treatable using chemo but terminal,it also causes jaundice when the bile duct's become blocked reducing the amount of chemo and possibly stopping it's use. I am assuming that pallative comfort has be organized and she is home most of the time. All you can do is support her when she becomes delicate and if she ask's for something get it for her eg(toiletries, sick bag's medicines) etc. Help her by using a perambulator or wheel bench when she needs to move and craft her as comfortable as is nesessary. Controling pain is something to have a word to pallative care roughly or her oncologist. You will find that oxy contin, ms contin , ordine and laxatives will be used to control the pain and amount's will increase as time go on. Please dont gloat over her as you will find it will only upset her as everyone she know will be doing the same and believe me it;s intricate not to. The outcome is not a good one as I enjoy learnt but I option you all the luck contained by the world and best wishes to your mother.
Hospice has some wonderful resources available; you might consider contacting them to assist you, your mother and your relatives through this difficult time

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