Wednesday 30 November 2011

Are drug companies working on epibatidine to build better pain-killers?

When chemists at Abbott Laboratories in Illinois notice epibatidine’s similar structure to experimental drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, they became severely interested in epibatidine and begin to research it further. The discovery of potent analgesic properties inspired chemists to redesign the molecule to stamp out its highly toxic effects.
After John Daly and Charles Myers’ initial pop in to Ecuador, one of the two prime rainforest sites occupied by frogs have already been demolished and replaced near banana plantations.
Scientists are working to develop potent pain-killing drugs that act on receptors for the chemical acetylcholine. For example, a type of frog aboriginal to Ecuador has be found to have a chemical surrounded by its skin called epibatidine, derived from the frog's medical name, Epipedobates tricolor. Although notably toxic, epibatidine is a potent analgesic and, surprisingly, resembles the chemical nicotine found in cigarettes. Also underneath development are other smaller number toxic compounds that act on acetylcholine receptors and may prove to be more potent than morphine but lacking its addictive properties.
no why would the they make to much money selling the to the public and near will never be cures for anything important because the drug companies bring in to much money on the drugs the offer us that we obligation to feel better adjectives a conspiracy
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  • Are designer drugs possible?

    are they already there? pass an example in that skin.
    are drugs only roughly proteins or is there something more to it? Yes, nearby are designer drugs available already. Designer drugs are synthetic versions of banned drugs created in underground labs. However, they are regularly more dangerous than the actual version of the illegal drugs because they haven't be tested, and they are thus tested on drug addicts.
    Early designer drugs included substitutes for heroin, amphetamines, and hallucinogens — including the designer hallucinogen MDMA (ecstacy), and its chemical cousins. There are high-ranking incentives for creating the drugs, as they are illegal and can be sold for lots of money.
    The solid defintion of a drug is a non-food chemical/substance from outside of the body that affects the body, specifically the central agitated system, and causes change in behavior. Thus, drugs aren't merely about proteins. They are around how certain chemicals affect the body.
    what?! that is to say the dumbest thing ive ever hear
    So called "Designer drugs" already exist - they are chemical compounds similar to controlled substance drugs, but near a slightly different molecular structure to avoid being categorized as a restricted substance. An example is alpha-methyfentanyl (China White), which be an unclassified variant of fentanyl, which be a controlled substance.
    There is far more to drugs than simply protein - pharmacology is a field of science dyed-in-the-wool to the study of how chemicals (drugs) interact with living organisms.

    Are dentists doctors and are they as respected as physicians?

    My mother is a dentist, and they have alike status as other doctors. A dentist performs surgeries, procedures, and must earn a doctorate to practice, lately as other doctors.
    dentists are doctors without as much respect
    Sure they are!
    dentists are doctors near as much respect as physicians or even more
    Yes, dentists are doctors. I have great respect for dentists, where on earth would our smiles be without them.
    as expected. they have the title, dont they? they still own to attend medical school of sorts, know anatomy and physiology (your mouth affects or can be artificial by lots of other bodily functions, diseases, etc). less quacks out at hand in the dental profession though than MD's. wouldnt want to be any!
    I think dentists are respected, but more fear than physicians. People associate more pain, etc beside dentists, whether they deserve it or not!
    Yes dentists are doctors, but not of the medical type. Their initials DDS indicate doctor of dental surgery, whereas MD indicates (from Latin) doctor of medicine. Both attend MANY years of instruction but next to emphasis on different disciplines.
    Respect is really a relative issue surrounded by my opinion. It must be earn to a point, I feel. After oodles years in the medical paddock, it is possible to respect the position the degree indicates in need respecting the the person who carry it.this goes for ALL healthcare practitioners.
    yes they are. because they also be in motion to medicine conservatory and share the first 2.5 years with physicians. the respect chunk is really depend upon the person seeing. if the party knows how much work and study it took for the dentist to become one and so, consequently sure as hell dentists should be respected!

    Are dancers more fit than other athletes?

    Dancers are more flexible and just as fit as any other athletes.
    yes. they hold to be. they wear less clothes.. yum yum.
    Certainly not.

    Are creases contained by people's earlobes a sign of heart disease?

    I have hear this before. I enjoy also noticed that everyone I know who have had a heart attack (and, palpably, survived) has a insightful crease in respectively ear lobe. But I don't know if it is a medically accepted reality or not. So, thanks for asking, and I am going to study the answers to this question. (I am a non-creaser myself, but hold almost no lobe to speak of, so take little comfort from that LOL)
    They can be. It seem to be a pretty good sign, so much so that if you own them you should get your heart checked.
    I other thoght it was because they have had their ears pierced a long time ago and hadn't used earrings surrounded by a long time so the skin closed up.
    The book The Art of Oriental Face Reading by Sue Woodd might have the answer.
    Apparently here is a link, but the nouns is not clear:
    Baldness, short stature, thoracic hairiness, and diagonal earlobe crease are found in some patients near atherosclerosis. They have be associated with an increased incidence of coronary heart disease. The apparatus is unclear. Genetic abnormality may be responsible.
    See this link for more:

    Are cellphone mast unpromising for your vigour?

    Apparently living nearby one can confer you lukemia and other radiation related illnesses. YES!
    If you are driving while talking, dialing and/or text-messaging; I would indeed say cell phones enjoy the potential to be damaging to one's personal robustness as well as anyone else who happen to be on the road.
    I cannot let somebody know you how many “close-calls” I own had next to drivers who are not paying attention while using cell phones. proof that they contribute to serious complaint.
    Those are superstitions for me.
    only if you are not intake them alive
    heard that cellphones expel some kind of radiation.
    but its not confirmed. everything is freshly hearsay.
    I knew a guy that worked for motoralla making cell phones. He told me that of adjectives the engineers making cell phones only one of them have a son. The rest all have girls. That was out of in the region of 25 men. You can judge for your self going on for that one.
    no. I have be in this industry since 1993 and i buy and sell with it everyday. So far i am strong and even have 2 kids!
    The power coming out of the cell sites are purely about the power within your microwave oven at home. Nothing to worry going on for it!

    Are cc's and mL's impossible to tell apart breadth and why, if so, do we use both?

    medical measurements A cc is a cubic centimeter. An ml is a milli litre, one onethousands of a liter. Since a litre is the same as a cubic decimeter and near are one thousand cubic centimeters to a cubic decimeter a cc and an ml are the same volume. The difference is that within the metric system (that's the system the 6 billion people on the planet that aren't americans are using.) the cubic meter is the correct possession for volume. The liter (and its prefixes) is more for everyday use. You buy a litre of milk not a dm3. Which you would call medical use, quantifiable or everyday, I dont know.
    A cc = a cube with 1 centimeter on respectively side. A ml = 1/1000 of a liter.
    When taking about dampen, both measurements are the same because hose has a density of 1.0
    This is not the baggage for other liquids.
    The gram be defined as the mass 1 cc of water at 4.5 degree C. So it ends up that water have a density of 1g/cc.
    The litre was defined as the volume of space 1 kg (1000 g) of sea takes up. But since, for sea, 1000g in mass is 1000cc within space, you end up next to 1/1000 of a litre being 1ml, which is 1cc. It's a bit circular.
    CC's are a height derived form the metrical system. Liters are a more universal standard for volume. Therefore, we use both because more people around the world perceive comfortable using liters as a measuring element.